Pacientia Desktop App 2024
An Intuitive, Accessible, and Minimalist Platform for Independent Healthcare Professionals.
Project Type
UX/UI Design
Product Design
Design System
Stark Accessibility
My Role
UX/UI Designer
Brand designer
In the field of  independent healthcare, managing patient data, appointments, files, and billing is challenging. 
Pacientia targets Latin American healthcare professionals like psychologists, nutritionists, and therapists. It offers a user-friendly tool to replace traditional note-taking, ensuring simplicity for all users, regardless of tech expertise.
Unlike complex HealthTech apps, Pacientia is straightforward and accessible, mimicking a trusty notebook's simplicity in a digital format. It features an intuitive interface for easy navigation and task management, eliminating complexity and confusion.

The Problem
The lack of specialized tools and reliance on traditional methods, such as paper note-taking, further complicates this process. The absence of suitable technological solutions for patient management in Latin America exacerbates the issue. Many of the available applications are complex, costly, and designed for larger healthcare systems, rendering them inaccessible or impractical for independent professionals. Also, the steep learning curve and lack of adequate technical support may deter users with varying levels of tech expertise.
The challenge
Simplifying complex patient management tasks into an accessible, intuitive, and visually appealing platform.
The primary objective is to address the key challenges faced by healthcare professionals in Latin America when managing patients and provide a practical and accessible solution that streamlines the process and enhances clinical efficiency.

What tools should Pacientia offer: 
• Ease of Use: Develop an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate and use, even for users with limited tech experience.
• Comprehensive Patient Management: Provide comprehensive features for patient management, appointments, medical histories, and clinical notes, centralizing all relevant information in one place.
• Simplicity and Accessibility: Ensure that Pacientia is a straightforward and accessible solution that mimics the simplicity of a trusty notebook in digital format, eliminating the complexity and confusion associated with other health tech applications.
App and features overview
The Dashboard serves as the initial screen of the application, providing users with a quick overview of essential information for their daily practice. Users can view a monthly income summary, scheduled appointments, an income trend graph, upcoming events, recent payments, and session notes. It offers a centralized hub for users to efficiently manage their practice and make informed decisions.
Features a user-friendly table displaying all registered patients. Users can customize filters and columns based on their specific needs, enhancing efficiency and providing tailored organization. This streamlined interface simplifies patient management, empowering healthcare professionals to easily access and update patient information as required.
Patient Profile
Provides an overview of the patient's general information, including their active or inactive status. It is structured into customizable sections, enabling healthcare professionals to access various aspects of the patient's records efficiently. Users can view upcoming appointments, a history of appointments, billing records, associated notes, and other customizable medical details.
Presents users with a comprehensive view of their scheduled events. Users can effortlessly create new appointments directly from the calendar, streamlining the process. Additionally, the calendar offers flexible filtering options, allowing users to toggle between weekly, monthly, or daily views based on their preferences and needs.
Session Notes
Provides a centralized space for users to access and manage all their notes. Users can effortlessly create new notes using a simple text editor interface, offering options for text size, alignment, and formatting. This intuitive interface allows users to write extensive notes, attach photographs, and upload files as needed. Additionally, users can associate notes with one or multiple patients, facilitating efficient organization and retrieval of information.
Search Bar
Enables users to quickly access relevant information by filtering through keywords. Results are displayed based on proximity to the search query and are categorized by type, including patients, files, or records. This streamlined feature enhances user efficiency by providing easy access to specific data, improving workflow and productivity.

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